Apr222020Company newsKids Entertainment Happy Earth Day! CobraCaroline and a few of the Kids Nature Shows animal puppet stars want to wish everyone a very Happy Earth Day! Categories: Company news, Kids EntertainmentBy CobraCarolineApril 22, 2020Tags: aniimal showanimal puppetsearth daykids entertainerkids entertainmentpuppet show Author: CobraCaroline Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Kids Nature School: Deciduous vs EvergreenNextNext post:Fun with Kids and Nature: Creating a Nature JournalRelated PostsThe Creepy Creatures Puppet ShowOctober 4, 2021Introducing the Sea Life Animal Puppet ShowMay 10, 2021Kids Nature Shows Teachers Guide to the Animal Kindness ShowNovember 23, 2020Kids Nature Shows Teachers Guide to the “Animals in Fall & Winter” ShowOctober 30, 2020Fun with Kids & Nature: Create a Turtle Hibernation HabitatOctober 6, 2020Kids Nature Shows Celebrates First Year AnniversarySeptember 15, 2020